
ACT4JJ informs policymakers, advocates, and the public about the reauthorization of the JJDPA and the importance of federal funding for juvenile justice system programs and services. For news, insights and youth voices, please visit the ACT4JJ blog and action center, hosted by SparkAction: JJDPA Matters.

Latest News

NJJDPC Statement on Executive Order on Policing (June 2, 2022)
Act4JJ Statement on March 1, 2022 Senate Judiciary Hearing (March 1, 2022)
Biden Harris Transition (December 2020)
Letter to the OJJDP (Act4JJ Statement, June 2020)
National Advocates Call On Congress and the Administration to Pass an Additional Stimulus Bill that Addresses Needs of Children and Young People Who are Currently Trapped in Overcrowded Jails and Detention Centers (Act4JJ Press Release, March 2020). 
Statement Regarding Youth Justice Providers: For Use During COVID-19 Social Distancing Measures (Act4JJ Statement, Updated April 1 2020) 
Honoring the Legacy of Senator Birch Bayh (Act4JJ Press Release, March 2019)
Administration Releases FY20 Budget (Act4JJ Press Release, March 2019) 
President signs H.R. 6964 (C-SPAN Video, December 2018)  
Congress Unanimously Passes H.R. 6964, Reauthorizing the JJDPA (Act4JJ Press Release, December 2018) 

Legislation and Updates to the Act

115th Congress (2017-2018):
Act4JJ Summary of H.R. 6964
CJJ & NCJA Summary of H.R. 6964
Congressional Research Service Summary of Updates to the Act
FAQ: 2018 Reauthorization
JJDPA Redline
JJDPA Complete Act (2018)
Overview of H.R. 6964 (PowerPoint)
Text of H.R. 6964

Implementation of H.R. 6964

Conditions in Youth Facilities 
Educational Reentry
Evidence-Based Programs and Practices
Girls and Sexually Exploited Youth
JJDPA and the Courts
Mental Health
OJJDP Research & Technical Assistance
Runaway and Homeless Youth Act 
State Advisory Group Members
State Plans 
Title V
Tribal Youth

Core Requirements: 
Desinstiutionalization of Status Offenders
Racial and Ethnic Disparities 
Sight and Sound Separation/Jail Removal

Recommendations to the Administration and Congress

NJJDPC Recommendations to the 117th Congress (June 2021)
NJJDPC Recommendations to the New Administration (2021)
NJJDPC Recommendations to the 116th Congress (February 2019)
NJJDPC Transition Recommendations to the New Administration (January 2017)
NJJDPC Recommendations to the 115th Congress (March 2017)
JJDPA Recommendations (2015)
Implementing Juvenile Justice Reform: The Federal Role (2014) 


Juvenile Justice Federal Funding Chart (January 2024)

State Funding Stories (August 2019)
Family First and the JJDPA

Family First Prevention Services Act: Opportunities and Risks for Youth Justice and Campaigns to End Youth Incarceration (October 2019)
Youth Justice and the Family First Prevention Services Act: Insights from a Convening of State and National Youth Justice Advocates (August 2020)
The Family First Act: What Juvenile Justice Advocates Need to Know - The Annie E. Casey Foundation Webinar (March 2020) 

General Information and Reports

Racial and Ethnic Disparities: 
Racial Disparities in Youth Commitments and Arrests
Disproportionate Minority Contact in the Juvenile Justice System
Smart, Safe, and Fair: Strategies to Prevent Youth Violence, Heal Victims of Crime, and Reduce Racial Inequality
Racial And Ethnic Disparities Reduction Practice Manual
Interactive Map - Racial and Ethnic Disparities
Jim Crow Juvenile Justice

Youth in Adult Jails and Prisons: 
Getting to Zero: A 50-State Study of Strategies to Remove Youth from Adult Jails 
Youth in the Adult System

Sticker Shock 2020: Calculating the Cost of Youth Incarceration
Debtors' Prison for Kids? The High Cost of Fines and Fees in the Juvenile Justice System

Girls and Juvenile Justice
Beyond the Walls: A Look at Girls in D.C.'s Juvenile Justice System
National Crittenton's National Girls Initiative
No Place for Youth: Girls in the Adult Justice System

LGBTQ Youth: 
LGBT Youth and Juvenile Justice
Restoring Justice: A Blueprint for Ensuring Fairness, Safety, and Supportive Treatment of LGBT Youth in the Juvenile Justice System 
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Youth in the Juvenile Justice System
OJJDP Listening Session Report: Creating and Sustaining Fair and Beneficial Environments for LGBTQ Youth
Practice Guide: Creating a Juvenile Justice LGBTQ Task Force
Model Policy: Transgender, Gender Nonconforming, and Intersex Youth in Youth Confinement Facilities

Mental Health: 
Mental Health and the JJDPA
A Road Map for Change: How Juvenile Justice Facilities Can Better Serve Youth with Mental Health Issues
National Center for Mental Health and Juvenile Justice: Trauma 

Advocacy and Collaborative Health Care for JusticeInvolved Youth from American Academy of Pediatrics

Unjustice: Overcoming Trump's Rollbacks on Youth Justice
Sunlight Foundation Reports on OJJDP:
     Reduction in Access to Pages about Programs and Policy Guidance on the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention’s Website
    Language Shifts on the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention’s “Vision and Mission” and “About” Webpages

Rescinded OJJDP Guidance

OJJDP Policy Guidance for Nonsecure Custody of Juveniles in Adult Jails and Lockups; Notice of Final Policy (2018) 
Girls and the Juvenile Justice System (2017) 
Engaging Families and Youth in the Juvenile Justice System (2017) 
Memorandum to States from OJJDP Administrator Regarding Revised Guidance on Jail Removal and Separation Core Requirements (July 15, 2014) 
Revised Guidance on Jail Removal and Separation Core Requirements (June 17, 2014) 
Disaggregating MIP Data from DSO and/or Jail Removal Violations: Guidance for States
Status Offenders and Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act - Followup on Data Reporting for Annual Core Requirements Determinations
Guidance Manual for Monitoring Facilities Under the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 2002
Disproportionate Minority Contact Technical Assistance Manual (July 2009)