Title II State Formula Grants
Authorized by the JJDPA, Title II supports innovative state efforts to adhere to standards that reduce the risk of harm to court-involved youth, ensure fair treatment of minority youth, improve the way systems address delinquent behavior, and ensure citizen involvement and expertise through the State Advisory Groups (SAGs).
Title V Local Delinquency Prevention Program
Authorized by the JJDPA, Title V is the original, and still one of the only, federal programs specifically designed to prevent delinquency at the local level. To ensure a solid return on investment, the Title V program prioritizes the use of evidence-based approaches, requires the creation of a local policy board ("Promise Councils") to engage in the development of prevention programming to ensure the unmet needs of at-risk youth, and leverages the commitment and resources of state and local jurisdictions by requiring that the state and local applicant provide a 50% match. 11% of funding under Title V must be awarded to Indian Tribes to be used for tribal juvenile delinquency prevention services and to care for at-risk or delinquent youth upon release.
The Juvenile Accountability Block Grant
Authorized by the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act, the Juvenile Accountability Block Grant (JABG) reduces juvenile offending by providing judges, probation officers, case managers, law enforcement, and other juvenile justice professionals a range of graduated sanctions for adjudicated youth - including cost-efficient confinement alternatives, for youth involved with the courts. JABG was last funded by Congress in fiscal year 2013.